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Explore all the available agent items 



Title: Hunter, Bonus: Can hide in the woods, Good aim (+ stealth) (+ Combat), Conn: Gets lost easily (-search)

Title: Investigator or Detective, Bonus: Can easily search for alien activity (++investigation), Conn: Restricted to public areas (- Locations)

Title: Politician, Bonus: People more easily come to you with problems or strange occurrences (++Interview), Conn: Complete Loss of Stealth. (- stealth)

Title: Policeman, Bonus: People report weird behavior in others more easily. (+ interview)(+combat), Conn: Aliens or Extraterrestrials will shy away from you. (- investigation)

Title: Repairman, Bonus: opens access to certain restricted areas (+ locations)(+ investigation), Conn: Overlooked by people in conversations. (- interview)

Title: Salesman, Bonus: Can go to any home or public business and ask questions without question. Can spend time to search areas for strange activity (+ Searching) (+ investigation) (+Utility), Conn: People mistrust you (- Interview) (- research)

Title: Land Surveyor, Bonus: access to all restricted areas, use of "strange technology" is overlooked. (++ locations), Conn: Presence in the area is often questioned (- Stealth)

Title: Scientist, Bonus: Access to testing facilities without question or payment, people find you knowledgeable. (+ interview) (+Research) (+ history), Conn: you can only have one tool at a time. (- utility) but the little labratory is included

Title: Farmer (from shade tree farms), Bonus: Easily blends in with locals (++ stealth ), Conn: Restricts access to other farms. (- locations)

Title: Nurse, Bonus: You can heal a fellow player during combat as an action. (1D20 ) Grants access to Hospital and testing (Exclusive utility) (+Research)(+location), Conn: Decreases Combat Damage. (- Combat)

Title: Inventor, Bonus: Can have either three tools or two weapons on them at once. Confident around people (+ utility) (+ interview), Conn: is often Questioned when using "strange technology". (-search)

Title: Military personnel, Bonus: Good aim, has two Weapon slots. (+ Combat) (+1 weapon inventory utility), Conn: Targeted first by Hostile Aliens, Friendly aliens shy away from you (- targeted) (- investigation)

Title: Vacationer / Backpacker, Bonus: Has a history book of the local area and has a large backpack (+ History)(+utility) 4 tools 1 weapon, Conn: can’t use super unique weapons (-utility)

Title: Businessman, Bonus: knowledgeable about the areas past (+history ) (+Searching) Conn: Cant use super unique technology (-utility)

Title: Government Agent (base credentials), Bonus: Presence isn't questioned and most areas are accessible. (+Searching ) (+ locations), Conn: Feared by People and Aliens (- Investigation) (-interview) Player custom credential.

Title: Expert, Bonus: made by player within reason Conn: GM's choice


Agency Tools

The Mind-Tazer (1h cooldown) The mind-tazer is a device that emits a flash of light to clear the short term memory of those effected. The only way to keep your memories is by using Sunglasses with this device. The mind-tazer looks like a sideways flashlight. It can be used up to 3 times on a person. 1- A person loses there short term memory’s. 2- A person Loses there Long term memory’s. 3 - A person becomes a Mental Vegetable. The device has a 1h cool down in between each use.

Experimental Mind-Tazer. (1h cooldown) this Taser can heal phycological damage without effecting short term memory. But this can a persons past trauma completely changing their personality. The taser only addresses the bad memories a person has at the moment of use. Sunglasses (base tool) Agent issued sunglasses. Equipped with a unique film that reacts only to the light of the mind-tazers. They are also useful against Alien forces that use mind control. Be sure that you wear them were ever possible.

GSP Flashlight These flashlights work as normal but hidden in them are tracking devices, use the F.E.D to ping its location. when in use the flashlights increase search stats. To engage the tracking twist the middle of the flashlight and the light will flash green three times and turn off.

F.E.D Foreign Energy Detector, this device can easily detect unearthly energy signatures like that of active spacecraft. Due note that inactive spacecrafts will not be seen. The F.E.D can also track active GSP flashlights. The device looks like a handheld sonar with a probe and a green tube screen. It has a limited battery life and should be used only when an extraterrestrial presence is confirmed.

L.I.E The Linguistic Intent Encoder allows for the translation of intelligence species with just a few words or sounds. This has been tested on Elephants and dolphins with great effect, this is gifted technology from outside earth from friends of the agency so it is not to be used or even seen by non certified agents or civilians. If an agent or agents loses their L.I.E on a mission they will immediately be fired and Mind whipped and returned to civilian life. This tube shaped object acts as an interpreter with basic syntax. So whats said should not be taken at face value but including context in communication is strongly recommended.

Portable Radio While simple this advanced portal radio allows for agents to keep up to date on news in the area or listen to local police department traffic. This can aid in pinpointing areas of interest or alien activity.

Micro Polygraph The micro polygraph is a great tool for any field agent, it helps identify foreign influenced psychological blocks. With the right questions this can also be used to break Mind-Tazer Psychological blocks. Device comes with an armband and connects via a cable to a small handheld polygraph.

The Red Radio located in a hidden box in the back of the Agency provided vehicle is THE Red Radio, Only in absolute need due to Country or Earth ending threats is it to be used. To use it for mission support requests pick it up out of the holster, it will immediately connect to the emergency line of the agency. (Do not expect a response) say what you need after the dial tone and put the radio back in the holster. For Crisis’s stay silent after the dial tone until you hear a transfer click and are connected to the E.D.F (Earth Defense Force) hotline, When you reach a representative please report what hostile alien your having a problem with and what weapon strike is needed. If its an out of control Vixnar Virus outbreak please request a type 3 nuclear strike. Use in emergency situations only! Use it to get more information on the mission or to warn the agency about Invasion, Mutagen or Bio weapon type class 6 hostile Aliens that threatened earth.

Little Laboratory a small chemistry set in a box that will identify one item or organic sample. Metallic, Flesh, Plant, Fungal, Rock & Chitin

Hazard Mask, a protective mask that protects against alien pathogens or spores. (Can't be used with Sunglasses)

Walkie Talkies, An always connected pair of encrypted Walkie Talkies, these allow agents to stay in contact when separated. only works within a mile of each other. 1 way with portable radio or 2 way with two walkie talkies unique tools 1 per game


Mega Mind-tazer (unique tool, 3h cool down) This fake camera flash is a secret mind-tazer that can effect large amounts of people at once. Only use this if your cover has been blown

Mobile Encabulator, (unique tool) It Encabulates at twice the speed and is only the size of a large suitcase! Super Unique tools, 1 to 2 per game Alien Screwdriver Manipulates metallic objects at range. 30ft of range with a weight limit of 5lb. Also gose, zew zew zew*

Time puddle generator (Super Unique,30ft) Shoots out a chronological liquid creating a 5ftx5ft puddle that reverses time for anything that touches it. Lasts for 1D4 rounds Puddle evaporates after 1D4 rounds Caution, time displacement

Gravitational Spring (Super Unique,5ft) placeable A square object that can be placed on the ground that reverses or amplifies gravity

See Me Not (Super unique,5ft) This fabric makes a person invisible only if they hold still, it breaks line of sight and negates attacks of opportunity when used.

Portable Dome (Super Unique,20ft radius) A shield generator in a suitcase that can be used to trap aliens or protect civilians for danger. Being portable it has a power cell that allows it to be used for (1D6) rounds when setup. 1 hour cool down

M.A.D (Super Unique Tool & Weapon) Magnetic Attraction Device. Can grab pull or throw large metallic objects, or hinder robotic creatures. Robots, contests roll at disadvantage then become restrained for one round unless used again. Throwing objects, tiny 1D5, small 1D10, medium 1D20, large 2D20. (lose coins & bottle caps, tiny) (lose pipe or metal, small) (street signs, medium) (cars, large)

M.A.S (super unique Armor) Magnetic Armor Suit. +10hp Makes player Resistant to projectile damage, a magnetic suit that repels bullets and allows the player to attach to magnetic surfaces like spaceships or walking vertically up steel surfaces. An armor that can be put on a player so the M.A.D can be used to propel them to hard to reach areas. The M.A.S can be used to attach a player to a spacecraft even if it starts flying around.

New Super Unique tool, Spacetime Recorder This Seemingly large tape recorder doesn't record sounds but instead space time. It can be used as a past positional teleport in combat. - Once activated a player must have this as their primary tool and can't switch tools until turned off. In Combat the Space time recorder continually logs the presence of the user. The user at any moment can play back the recording by burning tape (uses) and jump back to a previous place the player was previously. Allowing for teleportation to a previously recorded location this negates any attacks of opportunity, this also has no effect on HP and is not reversing time but simply location. Super Unique tool

Area Displacement grenade launcher (90ft) Reverse engineered from recovered Convex technology this One time use pre-chambered rifle has two shots. Each bullet is a Quantumly linked grenade that when destabilized link into a wormhole by bending the Vail. Each grenade effects a 10ft circumstance, the Wormhole needs to be at least 30ft apart from each opening or it cancels out. Each round the openings move closer to each other by 5ft untill it cancels itself out.

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Agency Weapons

Agency Issued Sword (5ft) Dose 1D12 damage, when thrown it boomerangs dealing 1D10 damage at 20ft of range. *It can get stuck if thrown in a confined space*

Regular Shotgun 15ft Dose 2D8 damage,
taken from a local farmer*

Tranquility shotgun 15ft Card info: This short double barrel shotgun can safely anesthetize a human or a group of humans. Using a liquid pellet formula that absorbs into the skin this gun doesn't cause any damage to the targets. Damage on hit :(0) Card info:

Sonic Obliterator (30ft). This is a powerful weapon BUT can cause horrific internal bleeding for humans. Damage per hit: intended targets (1D20) unintended targets (1D10) Resistant targets (1D6) (Boom mode, Creates a loud noise without causing damage & does 10ft knockback)

E.M.R Pulse Rifle 2.0 (60ft) The Electro Magnetic Reverberation Pulse Rifle is a energy based weapon. The weapon can shoot an electric bolt that can severely damage robot or energy based life. Depending on charge it can stun or it can do damage to all targets, with increased damaged to certain targets. Stun- roll to hit on the lowest setting, Attack- (2D10) +(1D10) for electric life or robots. Stun - roll to hit, target is stunted for 1 round

Bolt Action Net Shooter (15ft) Rapidly flings a giant net at a target making them immobile. (Just roll to hit) The net has an HP of 10 and an AC of 12. The Net shooter has three nets and a player will have to recover the net if it misses.

Typical Ray Gun (30ft) 30ft range (1D20) damage, goes ”*pew*, *pew*” Scoped sniper rifle (120ft) Must be stationary and dose (3D12) Damage (A player can't move and fire the gun in the same turn) Card info:

Concealed Carry pistols. (30ft) (player sheet base) Discreet pistols used for agent self defense. Damage on hit (1D10) all targets unless resistant Doesn't count towards weapon limit or toll limit. unique weapons 1-3 per game


Radiogram Beam rifle (45ft). (Unique) card Info: This Beam rifle that does (1D12) Radiation damage and causes irradiated status effect. Irradiated dose (1D6) Damage or Healing every round for (1d4) rounds depending on the Alien.
*unavailable, needs rework 

Subsonic Jackhammer (5ft)or (30ft) (unique) A jackhammer that can vibrate creatures to death or can be used to cause localized earthquakes. Jackhammer: 5ft range and dose (4D10) damage Seismic Disturbance: 30ft range, can cause the ground to shake in a 15/15ft area and deals (1D8) damage to all targets in that area.

Vibrantium Sword (5ft) (unique) 5ft range, Dose (1D12) slashing damage but has a 1 in 20 chance of doing (1D100) damage. (Mutation type are immune to slashing damage)

B-right Laser rifle, unique (45ft) unique A lazer beam that distracts, blinds or damages the target, roll a (1D4) then roll to attack. 1. Shines in the eyes of your foe (they are blinded for 1 round) 2. The laser points at the target (nothing happens) 3. Creates a beam that distracts the target (like a cat) for one round. (Creature must have low intelligence). 4. Creates a hot spot on a target that burns them (4D10) damage.

BB Railgun, rare unique (45ft) A railgun that fires a stream of BBs at high speed. it dose 2D20 damage but has a 1D4 chance of jamming, once jammed it requires one action to unjam.

Human Power gauntlet (5ft) (Unique) Inspired by the Alien power Gauntlet the agency tried to reverse engineer it with limited tools and resources made an inferior version. Due to the power pack a player is encumbered and only has 15ft of mobility the Power gauntlet dose 4D10 Damage.

Super unique 

Alien power Gauntlet (5ft) (super unique) Uses an alien power crystal giving this gauntlet a powerful and electrified punch. Dose 5D10 damage and 15ft of knockback on a hit.

The One Shot (Super unique) Shoots once and then burns out never to be used again (1D100) Damage The

Quantum Improbability Blaster. (Super unique) Uses quantum mechanics to create different outcomes and damage types at random. Gameplay: a players rolls a (1D8) to determine what the blaster chooses then rolls to hit. The different outcomes determine damage type.

Handheld Flame thrower. (Super Unique) Shoots in a straight line for (1D24ft) all targets in the area need to roll a (AC10) defense roll or they will take 20 damage and are on fire for (1D4) rounds with 10 extra damage each round. *On fire status effect can’t be stacked.



Martial arts expert (Gets 2 attack rerolls a day When using melee weapons, take the higher value)

Fitness expert (Gets to dodge twice a day, reroll a defense roll and take the higher value)

Cartography expert (Can instantly find a location by examining the map without doing a search roll once a day)

Experienced Marksman (Can reroll attack dice twice a day when using ranged weapons)

Scientific PHD (Can reroll investigation rolls once a day)

Socialite (Can reroll interview rolls once a day)

Historian (Can reroll history rolls once a day) Sleuth (Can reroll search rolls once a day)

Ninja (Can reroll stealth rolls once a day)

Clinically Obese (+1D20 to hp, -10ft movement speed 20ft or 40ft dash)

Philanthropist (+$30 money after spending at least $10 on other players)

Sprinter (movement increased +10ft to 40ft or 80ft dash, cant have heavy equipment) Jack of all trades (can reroll anything once per game)

Oblivious (Grants a reroll for the first roll that lands on a 1 a player dose, available once per day.)
*new rework, card not updated

Earth Resident, blending in with humans is hard.
(Once per game you "remember" something related to the mission, you get a clue from the GM about the fellow alien you are trying to track down during any given mission)
*not yet available 


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