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The Town is a TTRPG about Government agents (the players) solving an extraterrestrial related mystery set in an obscure town in 1960's America.
This webpage is for player use only

Character Creation

Then each player takes turns choosing a Credential, Two tools and a Weapon. Stack the cards on their respective spaces. 

Tools and weapons can be changed at any time.

Credentials represent your disguise and fake occupation and can be lost if your cover is blown.

Agent ID

To start fill in your personal name, and add a made up name as your mission alias the alias is what towns folk will call you. Also add your ID number, a two digit code made of a letter and a number.


Next roll your dice and fill in your money and health bars. add any tool or background modifiers.  

Last choose your background, this cant be changed later, backgrounds are your agents history before joining the agency and have minor in game bonuses.



The Gameplay is a rush against the clock, each game has a maximum of 30 rounds for normal missions. Rounds are either split up 10 rounds across 3 days or 15 rounds across 2 days, each day has 2 downtime events. Mini missions are 6 rounds with 1 downtime event. 

Action rounds, during an action round each player will have an opportunity to perform an action (listed below) to help the investigation, acquire clues, cover up alien activity or question local people. There is no order to what agents go first, but everyone can do one action. 

Downtime, This is time to explore the town, get food in game or rest. There is increased likely hood of someone in the town mentioning clues about the mission. Players will not be able to roll for anything during downtime, instead they can use normal roleplaying to interact with towns folk to get clues.

Final rounds, At the end of each day the players need to rest after the final round for that day, usually after a final round there will alien activity at night and add 1-3 additional clues for the following day.
If the mission is not resolved by the end of the last final round the players will lose the game. The Alien or cryptid will have either escaped, survived or exposed itself to the public in a way that the players could not cover up.

Flow of time, As the mission progresses every hour or every other hour new clues or events happen actively in the town. Agents can find these clues sometimes hours later, the closer in time to the happening of the clue the closer to the actual location of the alien the players get. For instance the players would be closer to the alien on a fresh clue then one a few hours or days ago. Missions have the presence of the alien mapped out hour by hour. 

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Performing actions, when preforming an action the player will roll a D20 and add or subtract ability modifiers from their credential.

Possible Actions

Searching: Takes an area and looks for out of the ordinary activity or looks for a location of interest on the map.

Stealth: Keeping cover and not being noticed by people or aliens, hiding in plain sight or using natural cover or camouflage either to sneak or collect information. 

Investigation: Looks for clues directly related to alien activity or actions. like foot prints or weird oozes. 

Interview: A persons ability to get others to open up or talk about wired things they have seen or heard. 

History: Finding knowledge of alien strengths or weaknesses, as well as local history of the mission area.

Credentials also have ability's that you don't roll for but gain innately

Combat: Knowledge of using weapons or proficiency in aiming. +1D4 to attack rolls.

Research: The ability to identify alien types and deduce threat levels by studying found clues. Private tool, little laboratory 

Healing: The ability to heal others.

Utility: A discreet feature or increased storage of tools or weapons.

Locations: Allows access to one extra location or all locations. 

Credential Modifier, Each credential has a bonus that adds (1D4) for each + to a certain action roll. 

Conns are (1D6) removed for each - to a certain action roll



Combat is divided by two turns, the Players usually in order around the table and the Alien or threat. 


To attack a target roll a D20 contested against the target, an Attack roll and Defense roll. If you get the higher number you hit, if you get the lower number you miss. If rolling defense and roll the higher number you dodge the attack.

If you hit you use the weapon in your current hand and roll its respective dice, (the top most weapon on your player sheet). If you have more then one weapon card you can change between weapons anytime before your turn. 

Picking up new weapons or tools not on your sheet is considered an action. 

Agents can move up to 30ft before they attack. moving out of 5ft of range from a target provokes an opportunity attack with defense roll at disadvantage.

Sneak attack allows the attacker to roll with advantage.


At the start of every game the players will be presented with a mission analysis folder, this is a folder provided by the agency that has 8 files that have possible information pointing to the possible extraterrestrial. The folder still just possible information and might not contain the alien for that particular mission so agents should not be fixated on the mission analysis. If the aliens file is apart of the mission analysis then its provided file can be of great use to the field agents as to give options on how to deal with the extraterrestrial or cryptid. 

If the analysis does not have the mission aliens profile in it the hits about the alien can be found at the sci-fi movie showings at the Palmain theater.

Agency files 

Mission Analysis

Town Maps

Palmain Oregon is a small town in the central valley area. The central valley runs down the middle of Oregon and is known for its contrasting biomes. To the West of the valley are high elevation dry rocky deserts and barren volcanic mountains. While the East and center of the valley is marked by rivers, lush thick forests and large lakes. South of the valley are sprawling open grass plains full of rich fertile soil that's easy to farm and manage. 

Cars & Travel

The Agent issued car is a very important part of the game.
It allows the players to travel around the town and also acts as storage for tools and weapons.

Storage, all agent tools, weapons and credentials/disguises are in the car. A player can go to the car and switch tools and weapons at any time or automatically when traveling.

Traveling, Players can split up during an investigation but they will need to be together to move to a different area by driving the car. At the end of the complete round the players will have an opportunity to move locations freely in the car or if moving locations is urgent a player can burn their turn that round to dive the car and pick everyone up to move locations.

Losing the car, if the car is lost or stolen players can use the bus at the end of every other round. They will also be without any weapons or tools not on hand.

Travel times, Time is very important in the game so likewise is travel time, most places in the town can be reached in 5 to 15 min and this wouldn't take over a players move, some times though if the players want to move from one side of the map to the complete other a players turn might have to be burned to do so.   

Multiple CarsIn games with 5+ agents there will be two agent issued cars. Two cars means two groups of agents that can move around independently. But a group would still have to stay together at their car unless they are in the same location as the other group and then have the opportunity to change passengers. 

Weapon & Tool Rarity

Normal - the everyday tools or weapons used by the agency

Unique - one of a kind tools or weapons with an above average power's or abilities

Rare Unique - Powerful tools that are only able to be used against certain aliens or cryptids

Super Unique - Sought after weapons or tools that all agents dream to use and often get only one mission with them.

Extremely Unique - Ultra powerful relics or ancient artifact weapons with great vail bending power.

Per 4 player game there will be 6 unique items to choose from but only 2 weapons and 2 tools can be used at a time.

An agent cant carry both a unique tools & weapon during a mission.



In addition to aliens, Cryptids can be included in missions to increase the challenge for the players or to balance a mission for higher players counts.
Additionally cryptid only missions are available for easier introductory missions.

Cryptids can add a lot to the mission and challenge the players in unique ways.


Explore available Credentials, Tools, Weapons and Backgrounds 


Agency history and lore

Game System Sheets

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