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Classified, for Agents eyes Only

Welcome to  the Department of Defense, Triple-R division.

During WW2 the government funded multiple departments looking into ways to develop new and innovative technologies to win the war. One of these departments was the Extraterrestrial Research, Repel & Recover Agency. Known simply in the Department of Defense as Triple R or Department 3R. 3R is the only public name for the Agency. Under the Department of Defense 3R and it's associated Agents are tasked with not just the Defense of the United States but as the galactic facing organization and the representation of earth 3R is tasked with the defense of Earth itself and the protection of Terrestrial Species. After the importance of the 3R Agency was realized in only it's first two years of covert operation the United States Government and its allied Nations have agreed to provide key funding, support and authority in times of need. Especially now with the Cold war against the U.S.S.R.

Outside of the United States 3R is commonly called The Agency. 


3R Has made three key discoveries, 1. Aliens Exist and most of them aren't that bad, 2. Mantises are in fact Extraterrestrials and mantises inhabitant large areas of the Milky way galaxy, 3. The universe has a force called the Vail, it's a temporal fabric like barrier that separates the 1st,2nd,3rd and 4th dimensions from all other dimensions. Behind the Vail is a place of both higher and lower dimensions and pure chaos and its rumored that powerful life could exists there. The Vail cant be manipulated without extreme amounts of power but Vail surfing is a common form of faster then light travel.

3R has also been instrumental in the protection of earth and getting it recognized with the help of the galactic survey corp as a pre interstellar world with both exotic and endangered lifeforms. Meaning earth is not be tampered with or visited unless approved by 3R. If a visiting species comes to earth without advance notice or approval local agents will be dispatched to either Remove, Repel or Recover / cover up any existence of alien life to the public.

3R has become Earths face for the Galactic Union, a group of worlds for the protection of life and the expansion of trade across the galaxy. 

Not every world in the local galaxy cluster of the Milkyway, Andromeda & Pegasus galaxies are apart of the Galactic Union but the Galactic Union is the largest unified group of races and peoples.

3R also recognizes that while earth has recently burst out on the galactic scene the general population is ill prepared to comprehend this. Not only that but earth as a whole is very divided and would not be able to technologically advanced or adapt. The goal of the agency is also to slowly prepare the public and reverse engineer technology so that earth can get up to the galactic standard as fast but also seamlessly as possible. 

Department 3R, Agency Locations.

Area Five One - New Mexico, 3R headquarters.
Also called the area, the headquarters for the 3R is its biggest combined facility with a recovered technology containment warehouse, a research lab, a tool and weapon development center, and an advanced vehicle testing site. Not only that but also The Red Radio help line and the bureaucratic department of intergalactic affairs. Area Five One has it all and is the core of the Agency.


The Farm, - Northwest Angle Minnesota.
It's hard to get more middle of nowhere then here just so making it the perfect place to house friendly un-humanoid Aliens giving them an opportunity to safely see the beauty of earth before a galactic union ship comes to transport them off world.


The Neighborhood - Elachi Mississippi.
The Neighborhood is a remote part of town disguised as a gated community when in fact it's a housing compound for humanoid earth resident aliens.


Containment Research Lab-7 - Palmain Oregon.
Disguised as a local farm this massive underground research lab contains aliens or extraterrestrial technology and studies ways of using the found technology or formulating new deterrents against aliens. 


Orbit object detection Satellite Station - Asmir Michigan.
Far outside the town is a radio satellite dish receiver that scans the northern hemisphere for alien spacecraft of crash landings. It records everything in the sky's above even if it's just a regular meteor shower. 


Atlantic Station 12 - Arkham Massachusetts. 
Atlantic Station 12 is a sea base hidden in the sea caves of Arkham, the base has submersibles and ships for Ocean recovery of extra terrestrial objects. 


Ship launch -Cape Carnaval Florida

 This publicly know space faring vehicle testing site allows the agency to covertly introduce new technology to the general public as displays humanity's amazing feats of engineering.


The boot camp - Virginia, Secrete Agent training academy. all new agents go though the academy to learn how to use agency provided tech in the field. as well as learn about the different interstellar cultures.


{REDACTED} - Galton Tennessee



The Embassy - McKoy Texas

the Agency's intergalactic embassy and humanity's only direct line of communication with the galactic council.


Impound silo 28 - Wyoming, underground.
This is the worst place any agent could be assigned to, often referred to as "The Hell". Impound silo 28 houses the most dangerous aliens and is a dissection facility. Scientists here are often called the Butchers of hell. Of the entire agency impound silo 28 dose all the dirty work no one wants to talk about. 

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